Destruction of Our Constitutional Republic

TO: CT Mirror
FROM: Lou Arata
DATE: August 27, 2021

RE: Destruction of Our Constitutional Republic

What the socialists are now trying to do is use race as the wedge in our society to gain full control of the police and the military. Class differentiation has never been successful because you may change your class, like millionaire athletes complaining about oppression, but race is always with you. This racial confluence was successful for Mao, as it was in Brazil for Lula DaSilva, who used race to bring about his revolution. He gained support of all minorities and raised himself into power, while allowing big business to continue operation, much like what we see China doing today. The CCP allows big business to operate under the watchful eye and control of the Communist party, which controls every aspect of the government and society. Sadly, the human rights abuses of the CCP continue and the world does nothing in response.

The reality here is quite obvious- power and control are sought by both political parties, as well as most bureaucracies, such as Big Government, Big Tech, foreign nations and multinational corporations. So are unions and your local Board of Education. Just about everyone can be added to the list. Therefore, where are we headed?

There is a reason for the seriousness of the political divide in America and why the process of compromise has been lost. Both major parties no longer fully support our Constitutional liberties and freedoms expressed in our Founding documents. One political party, the Democrat party, is actively advancing a socialist agenda that will bring the United States under more global control and a Marxist transformation of our Constitutional Republic. As scary and perhaps far-fetched as that might sound, maybe too hard for some to accept, please understand, proof is right in front of your eyes.

The Biden administration’s current agenda is pushing racial reform and spending restructuring, and the reorganization of our legal system, military and law enforcement. All of these topics are derived from Marxist revolutionary doctrine. A revolution is the breaking down of the existing power structures and turning it into something else. The revolution here in this country is well underway with most citizens blind to the process being thrust upon them.

Examples of the Biden agenda of eliminating our energy infrastructure and fossil fuel industry along with the onset of inflation, will assist in bankrupting the nation. Energy price hikes (gasoline is up 30% since January 2021) clearly point to the decrease of spending power for the great majority of Americans who earn under the top 10% threshold. Those that can least afford the ravages of inflation are stuck in this radical plan. Consumer goods manufacturers keep prices steady, but that 3.7-ounce bar of soap you were accustomed to buying, still has similar packaging, but is now only 2.6 ounces or 30% less for the same money. Getting the picture?

Packing the Supreme Court is a way of removing the independence of the court and furthering a politicization of the courts, to follow government wishes and not the neutrality and objectivity for the people. However, what is standing in the way of this Marxist reform is our Constitutional Republic. Our three branches of independent but equal powers, the Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches, make it very difficult for revolutionaries to bring Marxist control over every aspect of American society, which is their intent.

As government continues to grow and exercise more control over society with ever increasing social mandates, taxation and reforms, many via executive orders, the percentage of our population dependent solely on the government skyrockets. The Marxist influence on the long-term political change of this country becomes more apparent as well.

A primary fact that we need to acknowledge is that the country is being pushed into a socialist/Marxist revolution by the far left. The strategy is to fundamentally break down the existing power structures in the military and society by removing patriotic conservatives, veterans, gun owners and conservative Christians. Only by repressing those conservative elements can the reduction or elimination of those loyal to the Constitution and to the people, take place. Purging or minimizing the loyalty of conservative elements and replacing soldiers and police loyal to the new regime, a socialist America, and increasing the population of those loyal to the government, outlines the real war that’s taking place.

If more people would actually study world history and be taught in school the strengths of capitalist principles, with particular emphasis on the United States’ influence on the freedom of people around the world, it would be most evident to all that we are indeed the last stand for individual rights and the protection of personal property and personal liberty. It’s the continuous increase in governmental taxes which are slowly dwindling personal wealth from the majority of our citizens and benefiting wealth accumulation for the top 1% group of individuals.

The left wants to have chaos in the streets because it instills fear in the citizenry. We have all seen what has become of cities like Portland, OR and their woke uprising. Leftist Mayors are not enforcing the rule of law, even though the great majority of the country, and especially those minority communities within the effected cities, want a greater police presence for their individual and business safety. The lack of prosecution is by design to enrage the populace. As policing becomes more federalized, they take away local control and autonomy and the right of states to self-governance. It’s the state’s self-governance that is the foundation of our Constitutional Republic. What woke folks want are an army and a federalized police force that resembles that of Venezuela or Cuba, where dissention is crushed and total control and loyalty is given to the regime. Not to the people.

According to an October 29, 2013 Investors Business Daily report, and Diane Sawyer for ABC News, covered the story of then President Obama purging 197 US Military officers in a five-year span. He referred to it as, “my military” and an answer of “No” to a litmus test question, the main point being “Would you fire on an American citizen?” would have you replaced. It was reported that many of the officers were removed for arbitrary or no reason given, among them were 37 Four Star Generals.

Reforms in the name of equity, reparations and policing are being employed to use race rather than class, to overturn the existing structures of our society, assisting the creation of a new breed of law enforcement, loyal to the regime. Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s first Chief of Staff, famously said, “Never waste a crisis.” Today, we face a crisis of titanic proportions. It is the contrived disintegration of the United States by powers opposed to the inalienable rights of the citizens of our Constitutional Republic.

We are all being subjected to a woke way of life dictated by socialists and communists like the Squad’s Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, radical immigrant Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., or billionaire George Soros, where cancel culture and violence, such as BLM and ANTIFA, is to be perceived as a “necessity” to achieve some undefined notion of “equity.”

Contrary to that socialist push by the Democrat agenda in Washington and several states such as Connecticut, I would urge every single reader to visit and read the open letter drafted and signed by over 150 retired US Military Generals and Admirals. It’s a blueprint in getting our Constitutional Republic back and out of the hands of those wishing to disarm and bring us all down under a tyrannical government.