Connecticut Imbalance and the Washington Connection

TO: Jeffery Kurz, Editorial Page Editor
FROM: Lou Arata
DATE: February 23, 2022

RE: Connecticut Imbalance and the Washington Connection

COVID-19 guidelines have been in place and changed often since March 2020, supposedly following the “science.” It is now being discussed that a fourth shot, a “second booster” called by some, will now be needed. What has always been the case with this pandemic, is that this has really been about control- especially control of the ballot box. With absolute control, any political party will be able to wreak havoc with our constitutional republic, make whatever changes to our laws it pleases and nullify local control and individual freedom of choice.

Connecticut legislators in Hartford have floated the idea of creating regional school boards and instituting a statewide property tax. They can do this because there is no balance of power in Connecticut. The Connecticut legislature has been controlled by the Democrat Party for 40 years. All of the Connecticut Congressional and Senate representatives are Democrats. It was British politician, Lord Acton in 1887 who wrote, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”. That is why whatever the Biden administration attempts, Connecticut is sure to follow and support.

As out of touch as the Biden administration is, recording one of the highest disapproval ratings for a sitting president, so is Connecticut U.S. Senator Dick Blumenthal who was “excited and honored” to congregate with the Connecticut People’s World Committee, an affiliate of the Communist Party USA at their 102nd anniversary.

I do not believe that what is best for you is actually on the minds of our politicians. Our government continues to grow, and get paid, while the rest of the population must try and fend for themselves; unless you want to be part of the growing number of people fully dependent on the government for financial handouts and the care and education (indoctrination) of your children.

Perhaps not so obvious is one way the federal government is growing its socialist tentacles. The ability of the government to dangle the financial carrot of subsidies and direct funding for vital programs makes independent programs hostage to federal mandates. The federal mask mandate for businesses of 100 employees or more gets struct down by the Supreme Court but SCOTUS upholds that same mandate for most health-care workers because most health-care facilities take federal dollars through Medicare and Medicaid.

Public schools only receive about 8% of their funding from the federal government but that’s enough to steer curriculums away from reading, writing and arithmetic to indoctrinating young minds with divisive ideologies like critical race theory (CRT) and non-gender specific athletic competition.

If you don’t do as you’re told, you lose your funding.

Where does this stop? If the federal government can mandate health-medical workers and care providers because they accept federal money, what about those individuals who take part in receiving Medicare and Medicaid? Could federal student loans require a student to take “woke” courses?

This is scary stuff and a horrible precedent may have been set. Many people don’t know what tyranny is, even when it’s staring them right in the face.

President Joe Biden and his administration have failed the American people at every turn. According to the most recent Associated Press poll, with an approval rating of only 42%, a staggering 56% of respondents disapprove of Joe Biden’s performance. He has failed to protect jobs in the US energy sector (gasoline prices), failed the women of Afghanistan, failed the US military (having left weaponry and sophisticated technology for our enemies) and our allies around the world who now view us as an unreliable and untrustworthy partner. He has failed on his Inauguration Day promise to be a unifier (his intent on breaking the filibuster rule, which guarantees the minority voice in the Senate). He failed on his promise to “defeat” COVID and to bring back bipartisan deal making. In 2021, President Biden signed 77 executive orders, 41 presidential memos, 173 proclamations, and 25 notices. Each relies on different authority for implementation but each circumvents the regular legislative process and the elected members of the House and Senate. He has failed to stop over 2 million illegal immigrants, many unvaccinated, from coming into our country or to secure our southern border and he has failed to own participation in the Hunter Biden cover up weeks prior to the 2020 presidential election.

Yet, with all the above documented failures, you never hear a word from the Connecticut Democrat Party or our elected Democrat representatives on any of these topics, except for the party spin and talking points, attempting to deflect any and all negative attention or responsibility. Then they have the nerve to say it’s someone else’s fault.

We must see the dangers inherent in these policies and work to change the direction of Connecticut. This can only be achieved by voting to improve integrity and bring balance back to our politics honoring the rule of law and protection of personal property and individual liberty- and move away from the chaos and destruction of tearing down this country.