Common Sense Parental Rights

TO: Jeff Kurz, Editorial Page Editor
FROM: Lou Arata
DATE: September 15, 2022

We’ve seen parental outrage over critical race theory lessons being pushed on students by teachers obsessed with interfering with the lives of our youth. There has been justified parental outrage over the competitive fairness and safety of girls in high school sports and we’ve witnessed the sometimes blatant disrespect of parental rights in the morality and sexual education being taught in our schools.

People are angry. Regardless of party affiliation, we all see it and feel it. I know folks who no longer watch the 6 o’clock news because they can’t stand watching one side or the other pound away at their talking points. It’s us, verses them and it seems to be everywhere.

Nowhere is this dynamic more evident than in the world of politics. Especially here in Connecticut, where for 40 years one-party rule has led this once “greatest of States” to the bottom of most financial metrics. Connecticut has proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that total control of government by one party leads to failure and corruption. Policies are implemented, not in fairness but in the buying of votes to maintain power and control.

We’ve seen for years the departure of wealth of both individuals and businesses, to States that are far more fiscally responsible. I’m frequently reminded of the tolls debate several years ago where the administrative costs associated with paving one mile of highway here in Connecticut was more than 9 times higher than the national average. What are we doing here that is so unique? Perhaps it could be we have had total State control by the Democrats for 40 years.

It’s unhealthy and it’s unbalanced. However, we the people have allowed this to be the case. This time in our history is unprecedented in its importance. It’s now time for people to stand up for the values, institutions and our way of life- the free-market system- before it’s too late to turn around.

Our State is being blinded with rising crime. Because of policies within the Police Accountability Act, passed along a virtual party line vote, police departments are unable to effectively perform their jobs. Republicans were steadfastly against defunding our police departments. Look around at many of our larger cities; if you were to listen to the people, they overwhelmingly support our men and women in blue and want funding restored to provide for their protection and that of their families.

Woke policies do not guarantee the public’s security.

The role and size of government continues to grow here in Connecticut and nationally. Connecticut’s largest employer, some 65,000 strong, is the State. The sad news is those jobs do not create wealth. The taxes State workers do pay, come directly from taxes everyone else who works in the private sector of the economy pays. The free-market system requires a healthy middle class. The middle class here in Connecticut has been under attack through unfunded mandates, forcing forever rising property taxes.

According to the Yankee Institute, in 2021 Connecticut generated revenue from 344 taxes, fees and other sources.

I say that it’s time for the people of Connecticut to demand their government gets its fiscal house in order so that we may begin to lessen the financial burden for all tax-paying citizens. When elected, I will pursue legislation and support ideas bringing some balance back to Hartford and opening up honest, transparent debate on issues where all views are heard and considered. Inflation and misguided Democrat-led policy legislation in Connecticut hurts every single person living on a fixed income, especially our seniors.

Republican ideas offered in committee and amendments to proposed bills are seldom respected by the majority Democrat party and the entire State is worse off for that.

I encourage every reader to visit my website, where I go into greater detail on some specifics. I care and will work for you.

Personal responsibility and accountability seem to have gotten lost in our present legislative environment. I believe a smaller government is a stronger government because that means more responsibility and liberty is given back to the individual and not controlled by the state.
If you agree, I am asking for your vote and your support.